Collaborate, learn, Advocate

A Multi-Service Anthropology Platform

Empowering anthropologists, cultural advocates, and field-adjacent researchers by re-imagining the landscape of anthropological discourse. The Collaborative Anthropology Network (CollabAnthNetwork) fosters collaboration, promotes diversity within the field, and facilitates proactive cultural advocacy. Here, traditional boundaries dissolve as we merge the power of social networking with cutting-edge tools to support research, learning, and professional growth.

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An image demonstrating how annotating and highlighting text works.

“With the future orientation and the immediacy of digital production of cultural information, we can begin to reconsider the relationship between cultural knowledge and social action – not just a system for documenting and preserving, but an epistemology forever in motion, a repertoire.”

– Wendy F. HsuIn The Routledge Handbook of Digital Ethnography

Social groups, re-imagined

Gathering Places Around Subfields, Research Topics, and Applied Practices

Create and join social groups tailored to your specific interests—whether it’s a research area, cultural practice, or methodological approach. Our groups feature activity feeds, wiki-based introductions, discussion boards, and integrated Zoom meetings, making collaboration seamless and enriching.

Your work, enhanced and distributed

Socially-Integrated Anthropology Blogs

Launch your anthropology blog directly from your social profile. Our platform distributes your content across your network, ensuring your insights reach your intended audience with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned academic or an emerging voice, your work will reach every potential audience across an entire network of your connections, followers, related groups, and all interested visitors.

A collage of the organizational directory UI and some of its features.

Connecting People with Organizations

Feature-Rich Organizational Directory

Our directory is your gateway to connecting with clients, volunteers, and supporters. Whether you manage an anthropology non-profit, consultancy, or academic program, create a listing to showcase your organization, keep your audience informed, and expand your reach. Designed to help your organization thrive, our feature-rich directory connects your organization with the global anthropology community.

Comment on and highlight what interests you

Beyond social networking, CollabAnthNetwork is a powerful research tool! Annotate member blogs and other websites across the internet with the widget. We offer a deep integration with this tool that puts collaborative research at your fingertips.

Turn annotations into conversations

Share insights, ask critical questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue directly within the text. Whether you’re working in public or private groups, the integrated tool fosters collaborative analysis and deepens the understanding of complex ideas.

Manage Your Annotations with our Dashboard

Preserve and access your critical insights without the hassle of tracking them across blogs, forums, or websites. Annotations are saved directly at the source and easily managed through a CAQDAS-inspired dashboard within your social profile, ensuring that your valuable notes are always at your fingertips.

Get Started

Dive into the World of Anthropology and share its wonders!


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