Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants, LLC

@ace · Consulting Firm


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  • Consulting Firm
  • North America


  • Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants, LLC (ACE Consultants) was established to assist agencies, organizations, communities, and tribes in the development of accurate, high-quality educational materials that are based on archaeological, anthropological, and traditional (Native) cultural information. We work with clients, communities, and stakeholders to develop ideas, projects, and productions that specifically fit their needs, cultural concerns, audiences, locations, time constraints, and budget. ACE Consultants understands and delivers the most appropriate product for each situation.

    Our goals are to:

    1. Work with anthropologists, archaeologists, scientists, educators, and native peoples to create outreach materials that present multiple perspectives on people, communities, and cultures, both past and present.
    2. Make current archaeological and anthropological research findings accessible and understandable to multiple audiences.
    3. Assist Native American tribes and other indigenous groups with developing ways to incorporate traditional and Western ways of knowing into programs and materials.
    4. Develop high-quality educational materials based on traditional and Western knowledge for use in formal and informal educational environments.
    5. Assist educators in formal and informal learning environments by providing culturally and educationally relevant materials.