OSEA-CITE Field Schools

@osea-cite · Field School


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  • OSEA offers two sets of programs under Ethnography Field School and SELT.

    Ethnography Field School is an intensive, on-site fieldwork program that provides training in ethnography. Ethnography is based in on-site participation, cultural immersion, interviewing, observation, and visual research methods as way to investigate issues and problems of medical anthropology, cultural change, globalization, tourism anthropology, heritage studies, anthropology of food, sustainability, sex/gender identities and subjectivities, indigeneity, community action research, public health, spiritualities and religion, subcultures, ritual and performance. OSEA tailors the program to suit the needs and interests of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professionals and other persons who are not students who have a need to develop new skills in interdisciplinary research methodologies. OSEA training programs are designed to be flexible while retaining a structure for hands-on, interactive learning for small groups. OSEA Ethnography Field School offers 4 Week and 6 Week programs.

    SELT — The School of Experimental Language Training — is a division within OSEA that provides different programs related to Spanish, English and Maya Through SELT we offer short one to two week intenstive courses in Spanish that are designed to help participants gain the necessary language proficiency for their ethnography immersion and research experience. As well SELT course offerings include the unique intensive Maya language learning program and the Teach English Service Learning in which participants provide the Maya children of the community the opportunity to learn English using performative pedagogies.