Pylos Archaeology Foundation

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  • Pylos, in southwest Peloponnese, is an area famed for its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Home to legendary king Nestor, Pylos is unique for the large number of its antiquities, stretching from the dawn of prehistory to the end of the ancient world.

    Today, many of these antiquities remain unexplored and are in serious danger of destruction by looting and uncontrolled development.

    The Pylos Archaeology Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the systematic investigation, protection, and management of the archaeological sites and cultural resources of the region of Pylos.

    The Foundation provides funding for significant and innovative archaeological fieldwork, for education, and for the dissemination of scholarly and scientific research relating to the archaeology of the major area of Pylos. Currently our efforts focus on supporting the Iklaina Archaeological Project.