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- Archaeological Organizations
- North America
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Save The Site is a Public Charity under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service.
Our Mission:
To promote education and stewardship of archaeological resources using Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, otherwise known as STEM, as we facilitate the exploration and preservation of important cultural sites.
Educate, Facilitate and Curate!
Save The Site serves as a professional and free resource available to private property owners who are interested in understanding and preserving archaeological resources found of their land. Our team works directly with owners to record locational and artifactual data using innovative technologies, while actively involving regional schools through educational programs, field days and field school. Getting individuals excited and committed to understanding and protecting cultural and prehistoric resources is our primary goal through educational outreach. Helping all generations understand their rights as private property owner’s while being a trusted professional resource that protects and respects those right is of upmost importance. In time, Save The Site will build a curation facility to house collections from private property owners. This facility will also contain state-of-the-art lab and research space available to visiting researchers and Save The Site educational field and lab projects. Working with Universities, Museums, and Cultural Resource Management firms, we will ease the “curation crisis” within Archaeology. Save The Site will meet all standards in place for the storage and curation of artifacts according to the Code of Federal Regulations Title 36 Part 79 (36 CFR 79).